Caroline Donovan

Math teacher Josh Regan teaches students Algebra 1 during period 6 on Sept. 23.

Josh Regan

Along with coaching girls varsity basketball, Josh Regan is a ninth-grade math teacher. Regan started his teaching career in 2003 at Potomac High School. He feels CHS is a really good place to teach and is thankful for his fellow staff and students.

Why did you decide to be a teacher?

I got into teaching because I knew I wanted to coach basketball, but I also knew that I couldn’t just be a school basketball coach and make enough money to live. I figured I would teach to supplement my coaching, but I didn’t expect to enjoy teaching as much as I do. 

Why did you decide to teach high school?

It was a really easy decision. I eliminated elementary school because the little kids leak out of every possible exit point in their bodies, and I wasn’t trying to deal with that. I eliminated middle school because they’re way too immature, crazy with hormones and do ratchet stuff. So that left high school, which worked out well because high school kids are funny. I never know what today’s going to bring, so my job stays fresh and I never get bored. 

What are the pros and cons to working with ninth graders?

The pros to teaching ninth grade is that these kids that come in here are kind of like a blank slate. They’re just starting high school, so you can help form their future and have an impact as a teacher. The cons are that ninth-graders tend to be a lot less mature than the older kids, and sometimes that can be challenging to deal with.

Can teaching become overbearing? If so, why?

Yes. Although this year is normal, virtual teaching was an absolute nightmare. I know it was rough for the kids, but it was just as rough for teachers. I think you have to be able to have that personal contact, build relationships; you can do that in person. It can be overbearing in the classroom if you have kids that have behavioral issues and they make it hard to do your job, but I usually figure out how to talk to them.

What do you miss about your old school?

I miss the relationships that I built with the kids in my classes. When my former kids found out I wasn’t coming back, they were really mad. A bunch of kids didn’t know I wasn’t coming back and came to my old room to see me on the first day of school. My teacher friends texted me about how mad these kids were. However, this transition isn’t any different from when kids graduate [after spending] a lot of time getting to know them. You know it’s going to come to an end at some point.

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