After a day filled with dusting and tidying her closet, senior Sulaf Alanzi stands to admire her freshly cleaned room. The hours spent deep-cleaning her space paid off; she is now mentally and physically reset.
According to Konmari, many people have experienced a feeling of chaos when lives get out of control, even if it’s because of a cluttered or dirty home. Disorganization makes some feel irritated, anxious and even panicked. According to LV, doing a spring cleaning not only improves a home’s atmosphere and aesthetic, but it also has positive effects on an individual’s well-being.
“When you clean the space you live in, you’re more relaxed and you don’t have a lot on your mind because your room is clean,” Alanazi said.
Set the space
The Konmari ritual is one method to clean, first opening up as many doors and windows as possible. This process will let out the stale air and allow fresh air to enter, giving the room a chance to reset. The ritual also suggests creating a lively playlist ahead of time, or queue an exciting podcast, show or movie to prepare and get in the mindset for cleaning.
“I have a playlist, so I usually listen to music,” junior Angel Ndahiriwe said. “Before I start, I also make sure my floor is clean, so I’ll vacuum before doing anything else.”
Importance of cleaning
According to BedThreads, spring cleaning can bring a lot of benefits to both physical and mental well-being. Eliminating hidden dust and allergens can reduce the risk of dust allergies, while deep cleaning can remove bacteria and viruses that lead to seasonal illnesses. Decluttering homes can also enhance a sense of refreshment and productivity. The Ideal Home suggests cleaning out-of-sight or hard-to-reach areas such as ceiling fans or under the bed shouldn’t be ignored because the dust and dirt that collects can lead to unhealthy indoor air quality which can disrupt the immune system.
“I feel like it makes you feel better in a way—it’s also healthier,” Ndahiriwe said. “My mom always says if I don’t clean up I am going to get sick because of all the dirt. When I clean my room, I just feel better and like a cleaner person.”
Take it out
According to The Home Edit, It is important to first empty all the contents from the area that will be organized when doing a spring clean. This is essential for a thorough review of belongings and is a recommended method to reorganize them effectively. Having all items visible makes it simpler to decide what to keep and what to get rid of.
“Before I clean out my closet, I stand back and look at everything,” senior Angelina Rodriguez said. “Then I go through categories, starting with my hoodies and I will take everything out. I then go through everything and if I don’t use it, I will usually give them to my sister or donate.”
The Spruce suggests it is important to ask several questions before discarding or donating an item. First, consider whether an item will remain important in the future, such as avoiding discarding clothes less than five to seven years old or old worn out shoes. Make sure the item has regular use – discard those that are rarely used like sale items one thought they couldn’t pass up, things bought thinking they’d be used someday. By carefully reflecting on these questions, one can effectively reduce clutter and keep only what provides value.
Time to categorize
The Home Edit also suggests categorizing the items that one plans on keeping. For example, when organizing a desk, sort paperwork into categories such as homework, notes and ongoing projects because creating organization systems tailored to needs will simplify future maintenance. Then, reorganize items according to categories. Reintroduce items into their designated spots, whether on shelves, in drawers or hung in closets.
“I split my clothes into winter and summer clothes,” sophomore Nicole Nauss said. “I have a [section] for the things I wear all the time and one for the ones I don’t wear as much.”
When to start
According to Konmari Consultants, spring cleaning is a common method to welcome the new season. Many begin their seasonal cleaning on the first day of spring. Some wait for the warm weather to begin because the goal of spring cleaning is to get ready for the new season.
“I usually do it in mid-March because that’s when spring usually starts, like when the sun’s out and it’s getting warmer,” senior Anwita Suryadewara said. “I do my cleaning on a Sunday because It’s before school starts and it’s the beginning of the week.”