Rising ninth graders, accompanied by their parents and siblings, got a chance to learn more about the curriculum, meet teachers, ask questions and see different courses that CHS offers. Curriculum Night took place on Jan. 14. From 6:00-7:00 p.m., administrators and students presented in the auditorium, while from 7:00-8:00 p.m. incoming freshmen could get more information about specific classes.
Director of Student Services Amy Parmentier talks to senior Delaney Brooks, freshman Kailah Rose, junior Carmen Thomason, senior Emily Raimist and junior Reagan Shin. They are the student panelists who will answer questions regarding their experiences and give advice for the rising freshmen. “We always have a student panel,” Parmentier said. “I think parents like it the best because it's a mix of grade levels, and the students talk about what they had wished they had known as ninth graders and any recommendations they have to help their student have a successful experience at CHS.”
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