Number of classroom monitors lacks in FCPS
All information has been taken from the FCPS classroom monitors outline / teacher & classroom monitor partnership agreements
February 22, 2021
As Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) transitions to in-person learning, several teachers are receiving the opportunity to teach virtually rather than in-person due to the risk of COVID-19. Because of this, more classroom monitors are needed.
Classroom monitors supervise and assist students learning in person, fix technical issues and manage the behavior of students. According to FCPS, they are needed now to continue the phase-in groups of students to in-person learning and as it comes to the end of the school year.
“We are excited to welcome students back to in-person learning,” Executive Principal of Fairfax County Region 5 David Jagels said. “As more and more of our students are phased back to in-person learning, we will continue to hire monitors for approved Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodated teachers.”
According to FCPS, 2,123 teachers have requested ADA accommodations, which are available to employees with reasonable health conditions or disabilities that put them at higher risk of catching COVID-19. These accommodations include teaching from an alternate location or virtually. The more ADA accommodations submitted and approved, the more classroom monitors FCPS needs. As of Feb. 3, FCPS had hired 74 percent of the monitors needed and are continuing to advertise to fill the remaining positions.
FCPS is trying to increase the number of hired classroom monitors through advertisements and holding virtual job fairs. According to the FCPS event board, classroom monitors need to complete an application if meeting the minimal requirement of a high school diploma or its equivalent.
“I think FCPS should work with colleges and universities to identify students who are studying education considering this as a practicum experience,” Chantilly High School Assistant Principal Zachary Winfrey said.
FCPS has also provided a teacher and classroom monitor partnership agreement/checklist. They use it to guide conversations between teachers and classroom monitors when planning for in-person instruction.
“[Monitors] would allow for those unable to return to the building to continue teaching remotely,” English teacher Andrew Wax said. “It would be great if they were involved – took part in discussions and provided assistance to both those in-person and those online.”