Letter to the underclassmen
All the seniors had an amazing time working with each and every one of the underclassmen this year. Watching you all grow has been so rewarding, and it’ll be very hard for us to leave you all. We know you’ll do great things in the future, and we’ll keep supporting you no matter where you are.
May 21, 2021
Dear TPT underclassmen,
We know this has been a difficult year and wish we could’ve had the full experience, but we are so glad that you have stuck with us all year. Thanks for not dropping out of the class :). Through all the challenges this year has brought, everyone on staff continued to support one another and persevere. You guys are all swaggy and amazing writers, and you will do great tings in life. We’re astonished by how much you’ve improved, and we know you will continue to improve, even without your fav seniors. This was a new experience for all since this was the first year where the majority of us are online, but we are proud of you all for pushing forward despite the chaos and uncertainty that came throughout this school year.
We were thoroughly impressed by your swaggy writing and your creative article ideas. If it weren’t for you guys doing your part, we wouldn’t have been able to do swaggy online articles or our ambitious final print issue. Though you missed deadlines kinda often *cough* we appreciate how much effort you put into your articles. Make sure, do or do not, there is no try (uh sure, we know what that means Gurpreet).
Now that we’re done inflating your egos, here’s some wise words of wisdom from us smart people:
Have confidence in your writing and trust in your classmates. Journalism is a team effort and you should always know that your editors and fellow writers have your back. Confide in your peers. Ask for advice. Your first draft is not your last, so never be afraid to ask for help or share new ideas.
Express yourself and get creative; it is a unique opportunity to do so. Journalism is an outlet where you can express outlandish opinions and report on ideas you found interesting or important. Make something you can be proud of, whether it be an article, podcast or design.
One piece of advice we would give you all is to stick up for your own opinions and use your writing as a way of showing your voice. Never shy away from creating a bold article because those are the ones you will remember forever.
Some life advice: just relax and enjoy your time in high school. Work hard, but at the same time, don’t care about school too much (because uh you guys kinda do). Don’t take the classes you feel like you should take, but embrace the ones you want to take. We know that we live in a competitive area where everyone is cutthroat about grades and APs, but at the end of the day, you are your own person and you don’t compare to them. With that being said, you’ll shine anyway since you’re journalists ?.
Although our journey with the publication is over, we hope to impart our love for this course, our dedication to this course and our knowledge in this course all to you. We may be saying goodbye, but for you all, you’re just beginning. You have an undeniably eventful journey ahead of you; whether you’ll be on staff for one, two, three more years, value your time here and make the most out of journalism because one day, you’ll have to say goodbye sooner than you think.
That’s what we’re doing right now, saying goodbye, to each and every one of you beautiful journalists. It’s an understatement to say that we’ll miss class. We’ll miss it not just because we love the publication, but because we genuinely love the family that we’ve built here. You guys could sometimes get a little needy…and we’ve definitely gotten overwhelmed from texts asking for edits…but now that it’s over, we already kind of miss it.
Anyways despite our sorrow, we hope you guys don’t miss us too much. Although we may not be in room 228 sitting there with you, we live in the digital age where you can contact any of us at any time. Whether we may be in Texas, Florida or remote areas in Virginia, know that each of us would be more than happy to talk with you about anything at all. If you ever need college advice, or help with anything, you know who to reach out to.
We love you all and we trust that the future of The Purple Tide is in the best of hands.
TPT seniors.