Dungeons and Dragons Club fosters creativity
Junior Aaditya Khurana and seniors Claudia Von Bostel, Lune Foster, Stephi Shraga and Astor Snevely begin their first campaign of the school year at D&D Club on Sept. 17.
October 19, 2021
Heavily influenced by medieval combat and mythological creatures, Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is an immersive tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) that drew inspiration from popular fantasy series, such as J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings,” and pulp fiction magazines, known for their sensationalized headlines and material.
“It’s all in the fantasy setting, but there’s no limit to what you could do within the confines of the world that you’re in,” senior Timothy Gustafson said.
In the past few years, D&D has become increasingly more popular. According to Wizards of the Coast, 2020 was the most successful year for Dungeons & Dragons, marking the seventh year of growth in sales.
“When I grew up, nobody mentioned D&D,” social studies teacher and club sponsor Mary Catherine Keating said. “I have seen the game explode in the past five years, where now, you’re not [considered] a nerd if you play.”
To play the game, all items needed are a copy of the “Dungeons & Dragons: 5th Edition Basic Rules” and a character sheet, which lists a character’s role, stats and traits, both items of which are available for free on the D&D website. Additionally, players roll a set of dice to determine success and failures in battle, while recording their progress in a notebook. The dungeon master (DM) directs the game and creates a continuous storyline full of details and challenges for the players to follow.
“Think of it as a theater, and the players are all the actors, but the actors don’t know what the world is doing and they don’t know the lines,” junior Jeffrey Schneider said. “It’s all just like a giant improv show for the entertainment of the players.”
According to Hobby Lark a key skill required for all players in D&D is imagination. Players are tasked with designing new backstories for characters in each campaign.
“This game makes you think outside the box,” Keating said. “It makes you practice strategy and be creative.”
The members form smaller parties in which they play campaigns that tie over into the following week. The club is active every Friday after school in room 246 and open to all aspiring players. “I think the best part [of D&D] is that it’s a nice thing to do on a Friday,” Keating said. “It’s a very social activity, so you get to meet new people, hang out and have fun and have a relaxing start to the weekend.”