Holiday highlight thankfulness
November 24, 2021
With COVID-19 and life finally getting back to normal, everyone is excited to see family and have time to be grateful and thankful with each other. As Thanksgiving is coming up, students share thoughts about the holiday and what they are thankful for.

Allen Gutierrez, Freshman
What are you thankful for?
I’m thankful for a lot, probably the people in my life, my family friends and people in my life. I’m thankful to just have that life support. [I am thankful for my] family and people close to me that care about me and are there for me when I need it.
What’s a family tradition that you have on Thanksgiving?
I have a traditional Thanksgiving with both sides of my family. We don’t [invite] friends, just spend time and hang out with [family].
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Ham, without a doubt, is my favorite.

Kayla Lockey, Sophomore
What are you thankful for?
My mom, my house and my family, to have a sense of security in my life, and how well off I am compared to other people. When I’m down I know I have a support system that will be there for me.
What is a family tradition that you have for Thanksgiving?
I go to my grandparent’s house and we play family games, watch movies and talk about what we are thankful for about everyone in the family.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Has to be the turkey, the main course and the best.

Isabella Quezada Martinez, Junior
What are you thankful for?
I am thankful for my dog [Rocky] because he is my childhood dog and a support system for me, and I love him.
What is one family tradition that you have for Thanksgiving?
A family tradition I have is all my family getting together and making food, eating together and cooking with my mom and Abuela.
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes, hands down.

Lina Hosn, Senior
What are you thankful for?
I am really thankful for my family and friends for always being there with and for me.
What is a family tradition that you have for Thanksgiving?
We all get together and we go to my grandmother’s house in Sterling and play games and eat together.
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
Easy, my favorite is mashed potatoes with corn.