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  • Friday, March 28 is the End of the Third Quarter and Pyramid Art Show
  • School is off on Monday, March 31 due to Eid-al-Fitr
  • School is off on Tuesday, April 1 for a Teacher Workday.
The student news site of Chantilly High School (Chantilly, VA)

The Purple Tide

The student news site of Chantilly High School (Chantilly, VA)

The Purple Tide

The student news site of Chantilly High School (Chantilly, VA)

The Purple Tide

editorial policy

The Purple Tide is the official student-produced medium of news and information published and produced by journalism students. It has been established as a public forum for student journalists to inform and educate their readers as well as for the discussion of issues of concern to their audience.

The mission of The Purple Tide is to provide an outlet for student expression, present unbiased news coverage and inform and entertain students, faculty, staff and other members of the community. Student journalists are required to promote responsible journalism and cannot violate the prohibitions on written expressions contained in Regulation 2612 of the Fairfax County Public Schools guidelines.

The Purple Tide is not reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Purple Tide is determined by and reflects only the views of the student staff, its student editorial board and responsible student staff members assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication.

Unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the journalism staff. Otherwise, opinions expressed are not necessarily the views of the staff, Editorial Board or adviser.

We welcome letters to the editor, but only signed letters will be considered for publication. Due to space limitations, not all letters will be published, and we reserve the right to edit them for length as long as the meaning remains intact. Letters to the editor should be emailed to [email protected] or sent to Room 228 at Chantilly High School. The publication may also be contacted at (703) 222-6318.

We reserve the right to refuse ads. All ads will be reviewed by the Editorial Board in accordance with established criteria. The Purple Tide does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, handicap or nationality or on matters regarding sexuality, religion or political affiliation.

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