Chargers Against Cancer creates charitable change to the community
Photo used with permission of Kayla Yaeger
Seniors and co-presidents of Chargers Against Cancer Lily Karabulut and Madeleine Ngo gather the hats and socks from the clothing drive to donate to the Inova hospital
March 11, 2023
With over 1.9 million people diagnosed with cancer each year, World Cancer Day is an initiative on Feb. 4 where countries around the world unite to educate the public about the disease. Created in 2000 by the Union for International Cancer Control, the awareness day encourages individuals and governmental organizations to take action against the illness, according to
Passionate about creating an impact in the school community, senior and co-president of Chargers Against Cancer Madeline Ngo creates posters and infographics on World Cancer Day to post on the club’s social media platforms. These illustrate how an individual can help those struggling with cancer.
“When I started attending meetings, I found it fun and informative,” Ngo said. “I was interested in combining my passion for leadership with my interest in the club to bring more awareness.”
In addition to the club’s efforts on World Cancer Day itself, it continually raises awareness in the school by discussing different types of cancer that are relevant to the specific month in the club’s monthly meetings. For instance, the November meeting was dedicated to creating slideshows and presenting about pancreatic cancer. Then, the club makes appropriate cancer-awareness ribbons to be placed on students’ backpacks.
“We always try to make the clubs have different activities in addition to having games and snacks to make the meetings more engaging,” Ngo said.
Moreover, an aspect of the club is donations to directly help those in need. In the past few months, a clothing drive was held where students could donate socks and hats to give to the children’s cancer unit at Inova Fairfax hospital.
“Putting together the drive was a little stressful because there was a lot to be done to get the donations we needed,” senior and club member Ambika Elangovan said. “But hearing how happy the kids were because of our work made me really happy.”
Later this year, the club plans to hold card-making events, bake sales and food drives. According to entrepreneurship teacher and Chargers Against Cancer club sponsor Karyn Jones, the club teaches students about compassion and sensitivity.
“Cancer affects everyone in one fashion or another and I believe that having these activities really teaches students that it is important to make time for those in need,” Jones said.
Chargers Against Cancer hopes to provide an opportunity to have students volunteer at the local Inova hospital as aids for cancer patients.
“We see how generous and caring the Chantilly community is,” Ngo said. “That’s why it makes us eager to start this activity to support people who feel lonely.”
The club meets monthly in room 566 during CT. Those looking for more information about the club can follow the Chargers Against Cancer Instagram @chargersagainstcancer.
“Anyone can join the club,” Jones said. “It’s a great way to meet new people, get involved, and really make a difference with some kindness.”