Co-curricular business clubs encourage entrepreneurship


Claire Baek, Staff Writer

Business management, cyber security, and computer science are some of the many topics in the business world, and many clubs and classes help students pursue careers in these areas. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) are CHS’s competitive business clubs. Although the only business class required to graduate is Economics and Personal Finance, students interested in business are recommended to broaden their horizons and engage in other business-related courses.



As a non-profit student-led organization, DECA helps students improve leadership qualities and communication skills by giving them the opportunity to participate in social events, attend competitions and engage in collaborative club activities. There are required courses students are recommended to take to be eligible as a member. 

DECA competitions are separated into two components: testing and roleplay on many business topics. Students are given around 90 minutes to finish a 100-question test in the testing part of the competition.. They prepare for testing using study guides and online flashcards to improve business vocabulary. In addition, teachers give out books to further aid students with the testing process. On the other hand, roleplays are case studies influenced by research on current events and trends in the business industry. Students prepare for role plays by looking at previous scenarios posted by DECA. 

“For the competitions, I recommend studying and memorizing much of the vocabulary,” DECA junior Maina Yelda said. “For the first year, having all the vocabulary will help students at competitions.” 

Meetings are hosted monthly after school in room 566 to prepare for the test and roleplay. As students prepare for competitions, they learn new concepts and terms they can apply while entering the business industry. 

“DECA is a great way to meet, talk and grab a snack with new people while discussing their business interests,” Yelda said.



As a student-led organization, FBLA helps students learn about the different aspects of business and receive networking opportunities. Guest speakers from well-known companies share their experiences in the business world during high school and college, inspiring and motivating students to pursue their dreams in business. Similar to DECA, there are necessary courses to be eligible as a member of FBLA. Teachers of business and computer science recommend students to join the club so that they can explore the business world.

“I learned about FBLA through my business programming teacher, which sparked my interest,” senior and FBLA director of competitions Rakshita Thanasekaran said. “My favorite thing about FBLA is that the club focuses more on how students can be interrelated with the business world and less on the competitive nature of business.” 

FBLA meets once every month in room 584 during CT, learning new aspects of business, listening to guest speakers, and preparing for competitions depending on the meeting. Additionally, FBLA members get opportunities to attend regional and national competitions. At competitions, students are assigned a specific event related to business and discuss regarding an impending business and how these solutions would impact the business.

“One thing I recommend for future members is to reach out for help and choose a specific event you are good at in competitions,” Thanasekaran said. “I think asking questions to guest speakers helped me learn about how networking is a huge part of how people build a business.”