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Chantilly Contests Episode 3

Hangout Spots Highlights
Chantilly Contests Episode 3
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Alexine Cornelio



Alexine Cornelio 0:04

Hello everyone. Welcome back to episode three of “Chantilly Contests.” I am social media editor Alexine Cornelio, and today I am joined by my friends to help me do some ranking. Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?

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Allison Rolander 0:19

Hi, I’m Allison and I’m a freshman.


Kara Calmbacher 0:23

 Hi, I’m Kara and I’m a freshman.


Alexine Cornelio 0:24

Thank you so much again for agreeing to do this. Today we are going to rank the best and worst hangout spots here in school. By hanging out spots, I mean, where do the students go before and after school? We have about 3,000 students, I believe, and that is a lot of people, so surely they stay somewhere in the school just to hang out. 


Allison Rolander

They gotta go somewhere.


Alexine Cornelio

Yeah, they gotta go somewhere. Exactly. So I actually have a list or not really a list, but I have the cafeteria, gym lobby, library, between lockers, the staircase, and the theater room plus hall. So which one do you want to do first or talk about? 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio

Cafeteria? Okay. Has anyone actually gone to the cafeteria? I haven’t. Because I see so many people. And they’re eating breakfast there. But I already ate breakfast. I go, No.


Allison Rolander 1:16

One time, I was talking to my friends and I was like “Yeah, I go to the gym lobby,” and they go, “I go to the cafeteria, and I just sit there.” I talk to my friend and I go, “What do you do in the cafeteria? There’s too many tables to do anything.”


Alexine Cornelio 1:28

Yeah, I don’t know. What breakfast do they serve there too?


Allison Rolander 1:31

They serve juice and milk. 


Alexine Cornelio

Juice and milk?


Allison Rolander 

Yeah, It’s kind of a basic thing. 


Alexine Cornelio 1:35

How about you, Kara? Do you have anything to say about the cafeteria? 


Kara Calmbacher

Yeah, I’ve seen people there before, but I’ve never been there. 


Alexine Cornelio

I haven’t really passed by there.


Allison Rolander

Just pass them.


Kara Calmbacher

Just pass by. 


Unknown 1:47

We don’t have really much to say about the cafeteria. 


Allison Rolander

It’s kind of funky. 


Alexine Cornelio

I also have the gym lobby. I know you stay there Allison.


Allison Rolander 1:53

I go to the gym lobby and I sit close to the wrestling room because there’s not as many people. But also, in the morning at 7:30, no one’s in there, but towards eight it’s filled. It’s full.


Alexine Cornelio 2:05

It’s filled. 


Allison Rolander

So many people.


Alexine Cornelio

I actually went there sometime just to see.


Allison Rolander 

You went there this morning.


Alexine Cornelio

Yeah, I went this morning. That’s a good thing. 


Allison Rolander

You came to visit me. 


Alexine Cornelio

Yeah, I came to visit you. You, Kara, I know you probably go to the library. So that’s another thing besides the gym lobby, that’s actually a pretty big space to go there with friends but not really somewhere that you would stay there.


Allison Rolander 2:33

No, I go there because gym is my first period and I don’t like going anywhere that isn’t my first period. 


Alexine Cornelio 2:38

Everyone is filled out somewhere on the sides, and then I see some people go to the vending machine, buy stuff. I do not have money.


Allison Rolander 2:44

Neither do I have a singular dollar, a singular dollar with my name.


Alexine Cornelio 2:49

Well, how much could you buy with that in the vending machine?


Allison Rolander 2:53

I think I can get one thing, you know? $1 equals a thing. That makes sense, doesn’t it? 


Alexine Cornelio 2:57

You would buy a pack or something? 


Allison Rolander 2:59

I buy a gum pack, I buy a hat and probably buy water. I don’t know. I bring my water bottles so that doesn’t really make sense.


Alexine Cornelio 3:03

Okay, how about the library now?


Allison Rolander 3:07

Okay. I’m scared of going into the library. 


Alexine Cornelio 

There’s so many people. 


Kara Calmbacher

It’s really crowded.


Allison Rolander

I don’t know how to properly go in there, and I always get scared. I never go in there. I’ve gone in there once for English. 


Alexine Cornelio 

No, you also have to sign in right? 


Allison Rolander 3:21

I don’t like signing in. That’s what makes me scared. I don’t bring my ID. It’s in my wallet and my wallet is at my house.


Alexine Cornelio 3:28

You can also put in your student ID number in the keypad.


Allison Rolander 3:32

Yes, but that stresses me out.


Alexine Cornelio 3:33



Allison Rolander

I don’t know.


Alexine Cornelio

They can wait honestly, but some people are impatient, right? 


Allison Rolander

Yes. It’s really the impatient people. 


Alexine Cornelio

Or you can also scan your QR code that’s in your student SIS. 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio

Yeah it’s in SIS. 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio

You can find it; I’m not going to tell you how right now but you can.


Allison Rolander 3:53

You will tell me afterwards. 


Kara Calmbacher

You can also use your computer. 


Allison Rolander 

Why would I ever bring out my computer?


Alexine Cornelio 3:57

No, the computer cards. 


Kara Calmbacher

You take out your computer card? 


Alexine Cornelio

You can use that to scan? 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio



Allison Rolander

I’m lazy.


Alexine Cornelio

Oh, of course


Allison Rolander 4:05

I don’t want to have to put my backpack down and open my backpack and reach into my computer and struggle to get the card out just to scan it and put it back in.


Alexine Cornelio 4:12

No, just put your card out in your pocket? 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio



Allison Rolander 4:15

Because then I’m gonna lose it. 


Alexine Cornelio



Allison Rolander

I don’t want to lose it. You want me to lose my card?


Alexine Cornelio 4:19

Of course not. 


Allison Rolander



Alexine Cornelio

But we’re trying to lessen the line going into the library though. 


Allison Rolander 

The line is huge. 


Alexine Cornelio

How about you, Kara? I know you go there sometimes.


Kara Calmbacher 4:29

Yeah, I just meet friends there and then we just walk around. 


Alexine Cornelio and Allison Rolander

Walk around? 


Kara Calmbacher

The school.


Allison Rolander 4:34

I stay there. I stay in my location until-


Kara Calmbacher 4:37

Oh, no, I walk around all upstairs.


Allison Rolander 4:39

I used to do that. I don’t do that anymore. 


Kara Calmbacher 4:43

But it’s always so crowded. 


Allison Rolander

It is. 


Kara Calmbacher 

When you’re trying to get in, there’s sometimes a huge line, it takes forever.


Alexine Cornelio 4:48

Oh, yeah. There’s also a chess area and there’s some seatings over there. There’s a lot of places to be in the library. They also have the studio, what’s that called? 


Allison Rolander

The inspiration studio.


Alexine Cornelio

Yes, I don’t know if that will open but-


Allison Rolander 5:03

Oh yeah, it’s supposed to open soon. They just need helpers and volunteers. 


Alexine Cornelio

Are you guys going to help?


Allison Rolander 



Kara Calmbacher



Allison Rolander

No, I’m good. 


Alexine Cornelio

You’re good. 


Allison Rolander 

I’m too busy with theater as it is. 


Alexine Cornelio 5:13

That’s true. Since you already put theater in there, why don’t we discuss the theater room plus hall since you suggested that to me? 


Allison Rolander 5:21

Yes, the theater hall towards the morning, there’s only a couple of people; there’s two other people and then as people start coming in, the conversations get cooler. The hallway is always really just fine in the morning like every other place [in CHS]. But then once people start coming in, one of the theater teachers will open the door and then you can go inside the theater room. It’s great because it’s so quiet and there’s comfortable clothing and all of my friends give me food.


Alexine Cornelio 5:47

Wow. Okay. You’re being fed there.


Allison Rolander 5:51

I’m a great friend, okay. I’m a great friend.


Alexine Cornelio 5:54

How about you Kara. Do you have anything to say about the theater room or hall? 


Kara Calmbacher 5:57

No, I never go there.


Alexine Cornelio 5:59

You never go there?


Kara Calmbacher 5:59

I’ve never seen anyone hang out over there. 


Allison Rolander

Neither of you visit me there. No, they’re there in the morning. They’re not there afterwards. 


Kara Calmbacher 6:07

I usually am upstairs in the morning. 


Alexine Cornelio

Why would I want to go there? 


Allison Rolander

Why not? 


Alexine Cornelio

Yeah, exactly. See me and Kara.


Allison Rolander 6:14

It’s great there; it’s great and then sometimes you can go into the auditorium, and it’s cold in there and it’s amazing. 


Alexine Cornelio

Wait, you can go into the auditorium. 


Allison Rolander

Yeah, because people have second period. 


Alexine Cornelio

In the auditorium?


Allison Rolander

Yes. tech theater. Tech theater’s in the auditorium. 


Alexine Cornelio

Oh, that’s true. Yeah.


Alexine Cornelio 6:29

Oh my gosh. Now I want to go there. I usually just go to my classroom. 


Allison Rolander 6:34

Man, come visit me on Wednesday. 


Alexine Cornelio 6:35

Okay, I will. Don’t worry.


Allison Rolander

Good. Good. 


Alexine Cornelio

Let’s see. Next is the staircase.


Allison Rolander 6:44

The staircase is bad because there’s so many people going up and down. No, so many people.


Alexine Cornelio 6:51

They pack in there and then how can I go up the stairs? That’s the use for the stairs – to go up. 


Allison Rolander 6:58

Any location is fine in the morning but once it’s 7:50 or 7: 45, then you need to move because there’s so many people. In between lockers, It’s fine, because no one really goes there. It’s confined, it’s still loud, Yeah, but it’s like smaller. 


Kara Calmbacher 7:14

Yes, because you can have your whole friend group there.


Alexine Cornelio 7:16

That’s also another thing, the in-between lockers one 


Allison Rolander

Lockers [area] is great. 


Alexine Cornelio

Honestly, I’m fine with that. I see so many people and they’re just chatting; they’re sitting on the floor hanging out or whatever they do. And honestly, I think that’s another good place, unless someone goes to their locker, but I don’t see anyone open their locker.


Allison Rolander 7:36

No one uses them. No one needs to walk past. I’ve never seen a singular person use their actual lockers. Never.


Alexine Cornelio 7:45

I mean, I know someone that tried to open it but she just gave up.


Allison Rolander 7:50

I don’t even know where mine is. 


Kara Calmbacher

I don’t know where mine is too


Alexine Cornelio

I haven’t seen mine either.


Allison Rolander

Probably passed it somewhere. I don’t know.


Alexine Cornelio 7:56

I just bring my stuff with me. Those are actually all six of them, that was pretty fast, honestly.


Allison Rolander 8:05

We’re really speedy. Yeah, we’re so talkative. 


Alexine Cornelio 8:10

But, do you guys have the best or worst? So, what is the best for you?


Allison Rolander 8:13

Okay, for me personally, it’s either the gym lobby because all of my friends are there and it seems like a thing or the theater room because once that door opens to the actual theater room, it’s quiet. It’s great. 


Alexine Cornelio

Okay, so what’s the worst for you? 


Allison Rolander

Oh, probably the staircase or the library. 


Alexine Cornelio 8:31

How about you, Kara?


Kara Calmbacher 8:33

Yeah, the staircase or library is the worst. Okay, but it’s fine meeting people, and usually I just walk upstairs. I don’t really have a meeting spot that I stay in. 


Allison Rolander

Don’t you meet in the library? 


Kara Calmbacher

I meet in the library and then I just leave. I don’t stay in the library. 


Allison Rolander 8:46

Yeah, because I’ve seen you passing through the gym lobby. 


Alexine Cornelio



Allison Rolander

Do you go to the gym lobby and then you go to the library and then you go upstairs and walk around. 


Kara Calmbacher



Allison Rolander

That’s great.


Alexine Cornelio 8:55

And then the best for you would be which one? 


Kara Calmbacher

The theater? 


Alexine Cornelio

The theater room? 


Kara Calmbacher

No, not the theater room. 


Alexine Cornelio

Not the theater room then oh then which one? 


Kara Calmbacher

The gym? 


Alexine Cornelio

The gym lobby? 


Kara Calmbacher 

Yeah, the gym lobby. 


Alexine Cornelio

For me. I think the worst would definitely be the staircase. 


Allison Rolander and Kara Calmbacher

Oh, yeah. 


Alexine Cornelio

Staircase and then best maybe just gym lobby because that’s where I usually go. 


Kara Calmbacher 

Yeah, you come and see me. 


Alexine Cornelio

Yeah, I come and see you. Is that happy for you? 


Allison Rolander 

I’m very happy. 


Alexine Cornelio

Kara, you should also pass by some time with us.


Kara Calmbacher 9:25

In the gym lobby? I always do. 


Allison Rolander 9:29

She comes and visits sometimes 


Alexine Cornelio

Well stay there then.


Allison Rolander 9:30

If it’s just Kara, I’ll be like, “Hi, Kara,” and then she’ll come over, but if usually she’s with one of her friends then I’m gonna be like “Hi, Kara.”


Alexine Cornelio 9:37

Okay, so that is actually all of it. We did pretty good. 


Allison Rolander 9:43

We’re speedy.


Alexine Cornelio 9:44

We’re really speedy near Oh, wow, that is a nice sound. Wait, do it again. Okay, that is honestly our opinions on the hangout spots. And that is the end of our podcast everybody. Thank you so much for listening and thank you once again to our guests, Allison and Kara. This was a great discussion.


Allison Rolander 10:11

Thank you, Alexine.


Kara Calmbacher

Yes, thank you.


Alexine Cornelio 10:13

We’ll hope to see y’all in the next episode slash podcast of “Chantilly Contests” thank you again.

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About the Contributor
Alexine Cornelio
Alexine Cornelio, Online Managing Editor
Alexine is a sophomore in her second year with The Purple Tide. She is excited to be a part of the staff again and meet new people in the class. She is specifically working with those in multimedia. Alexine enjoys listening to music and watching shows (currently in her horror era). To add, you can see her walking fast in the hallway to get to her next class (you will have to walk fast to catch up with her). If you talk to her in Tagalog, she will be excited to talk with you, maybe even a little too excited. 
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