2016 Presidential election aftermath

Rithika Ashok, Assistant Features Editor

On November 8, votes were cast and counted, and the world tuned into the results of a historic election. A week from Election Day, people are still wrapping their minds around the outcome- some are hopeful for this country, while others worry for the future of America.

As they consider the next four or even eight years with President-elect Donald Trump, students and teachers share their thoughts on the election aftermath.

“I am more terrified than I have ever been in my life because we have elected a president who has absolutely no clue of what he is doing. He has no coherent plans, and the most cogent policy solution that he has offered has just been “Look we’re going to do it, and it’s going to be great.”, Clinton campaign intern freshman TJ Maher said. “It’s painful. It’s disappointing, but we still have to accept it. I devoted five  months of my life as a campaign intern [for Hillary], and I was disappointed that my work didn’t pay off.”

In response to the election, protests have been breaking out across the country since last Wednesday, and so far, protesters have not abandoned their cause. However, several people are happy about the protests, for they feel that the people are united by a common goal.

“I’m really sad about how there are protests and riots, but I think that it is good that we are all coming together as a nation to protest it,” sophomore Aditi Mahabal said. “However, I think there are ways we can do it peacefully, and maybe instead of being violent, if we just implemented policies, it could be a lot more peaceful than it is right now.

The electoral college has also gained some notice through this election. Many Americans were surprised that Clinton won the popular vote but lost the election.

“What’s unfair is how we have set up our system- that a majority of the people can vote a particular way and still lose,” AP World teacher Jeffrey Krajic said. “I think that Trump has to be honest that he is now representing not just the people who elected him, but also represents the majority of people, because they voted against what he stood for. Majority of the people, and that has to be a weight on his shoulders when he is making decisions.”

Through all the controversy surrounding the campaign and the election itself, Trump supporters are pleased with the results.

“I think that the reaction from the public is a lot of overreacting,” junior Rachel Edwards said. “I am so glad Donald is going to be our president for the next four years. I believe he will do a great job and make America great again.”

Clinton supporters, however, are not so optimistic.

“I’m scared. I’m scared for a lot of my friends, like my Muslim friends, anyone in the LGBTQ community,” sophomore Aditi Mahabal said. “I’m definitely worried for them. I’m worried for myself- I’m mostly just scared.”

Despite the numerous differences between the public’s views on this election, President-elect Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017, and time will only tell what the Trump administration will bring to America’s future.