COVID-19 outbreak changes spring break plans

photo used with permission of of KFOR.
Families traveling over spring break should follow the recommended guidelines when returning home.
March 21, 2021
Throughout the pandemic, travel has been limited due to restrictions and the increasing strains of the coronavirus. On Labor Day last year, Americans took 2.8 billion fewer total trips than they did in the summer of 2019, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. This year, the U.S. Administration is following the same path by increasing travel restrictions.
Many students look forward to traveling during spring break rather than summer vacation due to lower airline prices and cooler temperatures all around. However, travel isn’t the only option to enjoy spring break.
“I want to try some new baking recipes at home [this spring],” freshman Laura Mineo said. “I’m also participating in online events concerning LGBTQ+ rights and problems in [our] community, which will be a huge highlight of my break.”
Although more people are getting vaccinated, the risk of COVID-19 is still high since the majority have not received their dose. In addition, traveling to foreign countries that have not been widely vaccinated can be risky.
“Even if I got the vaccine, I probably wouldn’t travel just because I am paranoid about testing positive,” sophomore Shriya Ramaka said. “Personally, I don’t think people should be travelling anywhere or going to very crowded places.”
Some popular vacation locations have decreasing COVID-19 cases, while others are more deadly. As of March 3, New Zealand only has about 2,000 cases compared to France and Italy with more than 2 million. Countries like India where everything returned back to normal, are now facing more cases and repercussions. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention has stated that some countries like Fiji, Vietnam, Taiwan and New Zealand have low infection rates and are the safest to travel to.
“My family and I were planning to go to India during spring break,” Ramaka said. “I was pretty against it because we didn’t have the vaccine.”
Communities have organized many local activities this spring break. The Cherry Blossom Festival in DC is predicted to be April 2-5, right in the middle of spring break. Also, a stroll through DC’s most historic neighborhood to see the Georgetown lights is something to look forward to this spring.

Staying at home may not be the most exciting way to celebrate spring break this year, but it may be the safest option. Visiting local landmarks and participating in outdoor activities are just a couple things to do this spring. Exploring the dinosaur egg hunt, full moon stargazing and the blossom kite fly during spring break are resourceful ways to have fun amidst quarantine.
“I will be staying home most of the time and probably learning new music, painting and doing other hobbies I enjoy,” Mineo said. “If you do decide to travel this year, stay distanced and follow the safety guidelines set by the CDC. It may not be as fun, but safety comes before anything else.”