The Performing Arts Department showcased their talent

Tina Nguyen, Staff Writer

On Oct. 28, the choral department held the annual Chantilly Pyramid Choral Concert, an event that was months in the making.


The annual concert showcased choirs from all schools that feed into Chantilly, including middle schools Rocky Run and Franklin and elementary schools Greenbriar East, Greenbriar West, Brookfield, Poplar Tree, Lees Corner and Oak Hill.


“It [was] a great way for the younger kids to get to perform in a big venue,” choral director Evan Ayars said. “They [could] also see what choirs are going to be in high school and middle school as well.”


Chantilly’s four choirs- Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, Chamber Chorale and Chantilly ShowStoppers- practiced during school and after school to improve themselves for the performance.


“We’ve been working in class, and [ShowStoppers] all co-work after school, Tuesday and Thursday, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. [to prepare for the concert],” senior and ShowStoppers member Kaylee Noble said.


All branches of the choral department have been practicing for the event since the first day of school.


“We practice during class and CT,” sophomore and Women’s Choir member Megan Van Dyke said. “During practices, we do warm-ups, sing the songs and discuss the stuff that we need to fix.”


The long practices paid off with an entertaining and cohesive show.


“[The practices went] really well,” Ayars said. “[The entire pyramid sang] the same song at the beginning and at the end, and in the middle, everyone [got] a chance to sing their own.”


Each of the choirs performed a unique song to show off their talents.


“For the Chantilly Pyramid Concert, [the Chamber Chorale performed] a song called ‘Come Sweet Death’,” sophomore and Chamber Chorale member Lydia Hugo said. “It [was] a slow song. We also [did] hand motions during [the performance], which we [weren’t] really used to. It [was] really cool.”


At the beginning of the concert, the entire group performed “Around” together. Then, each choir performed their own song. The Chantilly Showstoppers performed “Big City Beat,” the Women’s Choir performed “My Boyfriend’s Back,” while the Men’s Choir performed “Music’s Echo” . Together, the Women’s and Men’s choirs performed “Come in from the Firefly Darkness.” At the end of the concert, the individual choirs again joined together to perform “Celebrate Music.”


“The Pyramid Concert gives elementary school and middle school students a chance to see what high school choir program is all about so that when they choose their electives they can know what they are choosing,” Ayars said.