Claire Baek 0:06
Hi, I’m Claire Baek, I’m the sports editor of The Purple Tide. And today we are going to record a short podcast on overrated and underrated Christmas movies. Here with me, I have Mr. Murphy and Ashley Cho, and I’m going to let them introduce themselves and their favorite Christmas movie.
Ashley Cho 0:22
Hi, I’m Ashley Cho. I’m a sophomore at Chantilly and I take Film Study. My favorite Christmas movie would be “Home Alone,” all three of them.
Michael Murphy 0:32
That’s a lot of movies Ashley. Hello, podcast listeners. This is Mr. Murphy. How are you doing? I teach film study and various levels of English. Oh, my favorite Christmas film. I’m gonna go with “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” highly underrated.
Claire Baek 0:51
Okay, so I feel like I’ll start off with one I think is overrated. So I think “The Grinch” is overrated. Because even though it is a classic, I think it’s more aimed towards children than teens or adults. Since I watched it too much, I ended up going on my phone, and it doesn’t seek my attention like it did when I was young. So the summary of “The Grinch,” the Grinch and his loyal dog Max live a solitary existence inside a cave on Mount Crumpit. His main source of aggravation comes during Christmas time when his neighbors in Whoville celebrate the holidays with a bang. With help from Max, the green grump hatches a scheme to pose as Santa Claus, steal Christmas and silence the Whos holiday cheer once and for all. Ashley, what are your thoughts?
Ashley Cho 1:41
I think “The Grinch” is perfectly rated because there’s, technically three versions of it.
Michael Murphy 1:46
Claire Baek 1:47
Well, there’s the animated version in 2019 and then there’s the Jim Carreys version in 2002. And then Mr. Murphy wanted to introduce another version not a lot of people know about, and personally I haven’t watched yet either.
Ashley Cho 2:01
I don’t think I’ve watched it either.
Michael Murphy 2:03
This is a big problem. Okay, so all of this Grinch nonsense that we’re talking about right now: the animated and the Jim Carrey’s version. Jim Carrey is pretty darn crazy, so the live action Grinch is correctly rated in that it’s not a very good movie. So it’s overrated, if you think it’s a good movie. But in terms of just wacky stuff, the Whos, the crazy vibes, and how kind of disturbing a lot of the stuff looks, I mean, it’s worth watching just to be like, whoa, someone did that. Animated Grinch, I mean, fine, sure for the recent animated one. But what no one knows and it just hurts, the original Grinch was I think 1968. It’s like 20 minutes long, and that’s the original animated Grinch story from the Dr. Seuss books, and “The Grinch” is a Dr. Seuss story. They did an animated version of it, and that’s what you would see on TV every holiday season. You would kind of wait around for the original because you know, it’d be over in like half an hour with a commercial in it, and that is underrated. Especially since no one even knows about.
Claire Baek 3:12
What are your thoughts? Ashley? Don’t you have thoughts on the realistic version of “The Grinch”?
Ashley Cho 3:15
Okay, little me (I’m not going to say this is me now) was maybe just a little bit terrified of Jim Carrey. The kids’ facial expressions are actually fantastic and it’s on point, but younger me might have been just a tiny bit scared of him.
Claire Baek 3:30
I liked the animated version. I personally really like animated movies, but I think it’s overrated in general, so I don’t really watch “The Grinch” anymore.
The next movie I would like to discuss is “The Polar Express.” So this is a story of a young hero boy who boards on a powerful magical train that’s headed to the North Pole and Santa Claus’s home on Christmas Eve night. During this ride, he embarks on a journey of self discovery, which shows him that the wonder of life never fails for those who believe in Santa.
Michael Murphy 4:03
Ho ho ho. You guys like that? Yeah.
Claire Baek 4:04
Okay, Ashley, what do you think about “The Polar Express”?
Ashley Cho 4:07
I think “The Polar Express” is overrated. I think even when I was little, there was a certain point where it got really boring. I’m contradicting myself with what you said about “The Grinch.” I think for “The Polar Express,” the more and more you watch it, it just gets boring because there’s not really an exciting plot, and it was also a movie where little me was kind of scared, especially the guy on top of the train, like the homeless guy I think.
Michael Murphy 4:31
It’s the same guy. The whole vibe is that the train conductor, Santa, and the dude on top of the train are all the same person; it’s Santa the whole time.
Claire Baek 4:45
Ashley, you didn’t even understand the movie correctly.
Ashley Cho 4:46
No. I thought it was just a random kid on a train.
Michael Murphy 4:52
The boy yeah, yeah, sure. He and all those kids, the hot chocolate kids, they’re all just the kids right? But the CGI it’s Tom Hanks every time, and then he’s the old bum who’s making coffee on top of the thing with a sock, and then he’s also the train conductor. I mean, it’s pretty sure they’re supposed to all be like a magical same kind of person thing. Yeah. Different versions.
Ashley Cho 5:16
The guy on the train was scary; everything else was okay, just a guy on the train.
Michael Murphy 5:20
I feel sad for little Ashley. Her whole life back in the day, the holidays were filled with fear.
Claire Baek 5:28
I think it’s extremely overrated because when I watch movies, I like certain twists and turns while watching the movie. “The Polar Express” is a good movie to turn on and maybe do chores or something, just taking a few glimpses here and there. But I wouldn’t watch it as a family movie, and I personally love watching Christmas movies with the whole family. So yeah, I think it’s certainly overrated, I agree with Ashley.
Michael Murphy 5:53
I’m gonna go with correctly rated because, yes it can be a little boring, but there are a couple of things. So when it came out it was such a big deal with the animation, and so that whole “Polar Express” vibe is very similar to another film from film study, “Hugo,” and the CGI and how that was all created, that was all kind of mind blowing. So that was kind of an important film in film history and as art as a piece of art. And if you remember somewhere it was in 3D, so all those mountains and stuff. I guess it’s all a timing thing. So, we actually own a “Polar Express” train set that you can hook up and put under the tree, and the “Polar Express” train goes around and around the tree. My kids loved it, and they had little, little tiny people that represented all the people and every year you put them out. It’s a good movie; I’ll admit that we’ve watched it like every year and it’s a little boring now that we’re all basically adults.
Claire Baek 6:59
But honestly, I feel like all my parents read the book, and they read the book to us. My mom read me “The Polar Express” book. Yeah.
Ashley Cho 7:08
“The Polar Express” is a book?
Claire Baek 7:09
Yeah, it’s based off of a book.
Ashley Cho 7:11
There’s so many things. I don’t know, even though I forgot all of it.
Michael Murphy 7:15
That’s okay.
Claire Baek 7:16
Ashley, Ashley.
Michael Murphy 7:18
But no Claire, it’s a good point because there’s the original book, and of course a lot of its commercialization. There was also “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” which was a beloved children’s book, and “The Polar Express” which was a beloved children’s book, and now we make them into big movies. But I mean, that’s okay.
Claire Baek 7:39
Okay, and the next movie we’re gonna discuss is Ashley’s favorite movie, “Home Alone.”
Michael Murphy 7:46
That’s good.
Claire Baek 7:50
Yes. A quick summary of “Home Alone:” an eight year old troublemaker mistakenly left home alone while the rest of his family are on vacation. must defend his home against a pair of burglars on Christmas Eve. Ashley’s favorite, do you want to go ahead and tell us why it’s your favorite?
Ashley Cho 8:06
It’s my favorite because it’s really fun and, even when you’re little, you can still understand most of it. Also, I was shocked by the crayon map he made for the whole game plan. If I was in that situation, I’d be sitting in the corner and crying and calling 911. But he made a whole game plan. Yeah, I think it’s just universal, all ages can enjoy it.
Claire Baek 8:33
Okay, Mr. Murphy thoughts on “Home Alone”?
Michael Murphy 8:35
I would say rated correctly in a good way. I don’t think it’s overrated and I think it’s got enough love that you wouldn’t call it underrated. Yeah no, it’s good. It’s funny. Yeah, solid, very solid. I never saw any of the following sequel type things.
Claire Baek 8:57
Oh, man, look at Ashley’s face.
Ashley Cho 9:00
I watched two and three. I don’t count four.
Michael Murphy 9:02
Doesn’t count four.
Claire Baek 9:04
I don’t know. It’s a good family movie though not going to lie. It’s a good movie with a lot of twists in the plot and I like that it’s funny. I love funny movies, and I feel like you get a good laugh.
I know you guys haven’t watched this movie, but I did want to briefly mention “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” I personally think it’s very underrated because the plot is similar to “The Grinch,” so I’ll explain a quick summary: Jack Skellington the pumpkin of Halloween Town and patron spirit of Halloween who decides he’s fed up with the year round All Hallow’s Eve life and hatches a scheme to kidnap Santa Claus and take over Christmas. I feel like this is similar to “The Grinch”. Don’t you guys think he wants to steal Christmas from the Whos, like steal Christmas from Santa. What do you guys think?
Michael Murphy 9:57
Ashley, the kidnapping sounds really scary. How are you going to do with this?
Ashley Cho 10:02
Luckily, little Ashley never watched this movie. I was actually contemplating on watching it over the weekend, and then I got too busy. But if little Ashley did watch this movie, if I’m being honest, probably would also be scared. Yeah, I’ve seen the title and the photos, and the guy looks a little scary.
Claire Baek 10:21
Okay, so everybody says the images look like Halloween. It’s a lot of black and white, but I feel like if the plot is similar to “The Grinch,” it’s a Christmas movie, because Grinch is considered a Christmas movie. It literally says “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” so Christmas is in the title of the movie.
Michael Murphy 10:41
Well, certainly if we’re discussing whether it’s a Christmas movie or not, I think it’s a Christmas movie. I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know overrated or underrated. That’s kind of on me. I know Tim Burton, “Edward Scissorhands”, and all those kinds of cool, artsy vibes. So I should see it at some point, too. Then I will pass judgment upon it.
Claire Baek 11:01
Yeah, because a lot of people are saying it’s overrated as a Christmas movie, because it’s too Halloweeny. But I guess it just depends on which side you’re on, because if you think it’s a Christmas movie, then you’ll think it’s underrated. And if you think it’s a Halloween movie, then you’ll think it’s overrated. But it’s perfect for right now, Halloween just passed, but Christmas is approaching. What do you guys think? Do you think it’s a good time to try watching it?
Michael Murphy 11:28
It probably is.
Ashley Cho 11:29
Yeah, because it’s like November: after Halloween and before Christmas.
Claire Baek 11:34
Okay, we’ll do this real quick. “Elf,” what do you guys think about “Elf.” An elf comes down to the city. Right? And then city life, all the surprise.
Michael Murphy 11:44
Ashley. What do you think of “Elf?”
Ashley Cho 11:46
Yeah, I’ve never watched “Elf.”
Claire Baek 11:48
Oh, man.
Michael Murphy 11:52
Yeah. Ashley, you would not be scared, and you would really like it.
Claire Baek & Ashley Cho 11:56
Yeah, “Elf” is a really kid friendly movie with sugary foods all the time.
Michael Murphy 12:02
He poured maple syrup on his spaghetti because he’s like an elf and they are total sugar high candy all the time. I’m gonna go underrated. It does not get enough love. It is so funny, and there’s so many lines. I mean, it is wow, and I think Will Ferrell is hilarious in general. It has just enough adult humor too. I mean, the whole thing in the mailroom, that’s hilarious. When he thinks Santa is coming, and the whole scene in the department store.
Claire Baek 12:34
Yeah, the mall.
Michael Murphy & Claire Baek 12:36
Yeah, he says “You’re not Santa”, and they’re just like. Their eyes were so big. They were like, what’s going on? Santa is right there, what do you mean this isn’t the real Santa?
Michael Murphy 12:46
Yeah, “Elf” is underrated. Got to see it all the time. “Elf” is a year round movie.
Claire Baek 12:52
I think it’s moderately rated. I’m not gonna lie, I do agree with you that it’s such a funny movie similar to “Home Alone.” I love funny movies, but I feel like it is aimed towards a little bit of the kids side. I guess a lot of people don’t really watch it as much as home alone and like “The Grinch” and like “The Polar Express.”
Michael Murphy 13:11
I’m going to put in a plug for “Four Christmases.” That’s a very not kid friendly movie, but it’s really, really funny. It’s unbelievably funny. I’m telling you, I would not recommend it so strongly if it was not hilarious and a total good use of your time. Then my favorite, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” or just basically “Christmas Vacation.” That one is oh my god.
Claire Baek 13:36
Okay, so that is the end of our Christmas movie podcast. Hope you guys enjoyed, and we’ll see you next time.